Demetra-Holding reached all-time high in 2023/2024

Demetra-Holding summed up the results of the agricultural year of 2023/2024. All-time highs are achieved in grain transshipment, shipments and transportation.

Based on the results of the 2023/2024 season, the total transshipment at Demetra-Holding terminals reached 12.5 million tons, which is 22% more than in 2022/2023 with 10.2 million tons. 

Shipments from in-house elevators amounted to 1.2 million tons, which is twice as much as the total of 546.5 thousand tons in the 2022/2023 agricultural year.

  • Ipatovskiy Grain Processing Plant (Stavropol region) shipped 461.6 thousand tons, which is twice as much as the total of 222.4 thousand tons in the 2022/2023 season;
  • Oktyabrskiy elevator (Volgograd region) shipped 436.1 thousand tons of grain with a 1.8 times increase from 247.3 thousand tons compared to the previous season;
  • Chernyshkovskiy elevator (Volgograd region) shipped 110.5 thousand tons of grain after joining Demetra-Holding in September 2023 until July 2024;
  • Dimitrovgradskiy elevator (Ulyanovsk region) shipped 134.9 thousand tons from September 2023 to July 2024.

The performance was achieved as a result of implementation of elevator renovation investment program, and introduction of the routing technology. Routing allows elevators to export large volumes of cargoes and reduce intransit lead time by 1.5-2 times. In 2023/2024, Ipatovskiy Grain Processing Plant dispatched 135 routes for a total volume of 461.6 thousand tons, Oktyabrskiy elevator dispatched 131 routes for 432 thousand tons, Dimitrovgradskiy elevator dispatched 32 routes for 120 thousand tons, Chernyshkovskiy elevator dispatched 23 routes for 84 thousand tons.

In the 2024/2024 season, 16.7 million tons of agricultural cargoes were transported by rail, including 12.0 million tons to export land and deepwater terminals (+10% and +25% compared to 2022/2023, respectively). 78.5 thousand car loads were organized for a total volume of 5.7 million tons. In the 2023/2024 season, 2.9 million tons of crops were transported by road using Smartseeds platform compared to 2.1 million tons in the previous season.

The key developments carried out by Demetra-Holding during the past agricultural season included the launch of its own commodity auctions on the National Mercantile Exchange, conclusion of a concession agreement for construction of the railway infrastructure in Taman and implementation of the Labor Efficiency project at Novorossiysk Grain Terminal.