The leading digital platform for grain transportation in Russia. The platform operates as an online taxi for the grain market: cargo owners place orders through the mobile application or website, carriers accept orders using smartphones, and terminals track vehicles and manage unloading in a flexible manner.
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About the platform
Agricultural cargo transported
>6.5million tons
Accredited carriers
Tansportation regions SFD, CFD, VFD
Types of transported cargo
Quick online price calculation
A smart engine for online calculation of market transportation price – based on historical data, seasonality and other factors
Calculate the cost of transportation
Direct access to transportation requests
A variety of direct requests from reliable and trusted cargo owners in the mobile application or on the website
View requests for transportation
Responsibility for cargo and the entire transportation cycle
Fast and convenient selection of transport, and responsibility for cargo and transportation support at all stages
Request for transportation
Smart cargo management system
Smartseeds electronic queue management system allows ports and terminals to effectively manage the flow of loading and unloading vehicles