Taman Grain Terminal Complex set an all-time transshipment high of 5.4 million tons in the 2023/2024 season

Taman Grain Terminal Complex completed the agricultural season (July 2023 – June 2024) setting an all-time transshipment high of 5.4 million tons of grain. This is 23% more than in the 2022/2023 season with transshipment volume of 4.4 million tons.

The number of vessels handled during the past agricultural year increased by 27%: from 103 in 2022/2023 to 131 during the 2023/2024 season. Volumes of grain received from motor vehicles also increased by 13%: from 153 thousand to 173 thousand grain trucks in 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 seasons, respectively.

Moreover, the maximum for daily and monthly receipt was updated – 752 and 18.6 thousand vehicles, respectively.

Sergey Gnatko, General Director of TGTC:

"The past agricultural season was a breakthrough for us. The yield almost hit an all-time record, and all changes were promptly addressed by the company's personnel successfully adapted to heavy grain flows. We optimized and automated production processes, launched an electronic queue tool for grain carriers, and are completing the implementation of the national Labor Efficiency project. All these factors contributed to a significant increase in transshipment volumes during the past season, and allowed to bring TGTC to a qualitatively new level."

The key event that will affect further development of TGTC was conclusion of a Concession Agreement for construction of the railway infrastructure during the past agricultural season. The implementation of the concession agreement will allow to supply grain from the central regions of Russia and increase the annual transshipment capacity of the terminal to 8 million tons.