Smartseeds and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Krasnodar region summarized the results of the first year of cooperation

The Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Krasnodar region and Smartseeds digital and logistics platform (member of Demetra-Holding) summarized the results of the first year of cooperation.

During the year since signing of the Cooperation Agreement, grain transportation by road via Smartseeds increased more than twice and exceeded 2.5 million tons in the Krasnodar region. The number of cargo carriers using the platform increased by 90%. The total number of contractors operating via Smartseeds exceeded 16 000.

Exponential growth was achieved due to mutual cooperation and consideration of farmers' interests during the preparation for harvesting and active transportation to ports for export. In particular, Smartseeds platform was presented at a regional meeting chaired by the Governor of the Krasnodar region Veniamin Kondratyev in June 2023. Special emphasis was put on shortage of transport facilities for agricultural transportation purposes and the provision of direct access to the transportation market with no intermediaries involved. Following the meeting, information about digital tools and resources for grain transportation was provided to the heads of districts of the Krasnodar region.

Currently, Smartseeds customers in the Krasnodar region include agricultural producers, exporters, grain traders and processing plants. Each participant is checked for compliance with the requirements of the Agribusiness Charter.

Krasnodar region is one of the key regions where Smartseeds operates. Cargoes are transported via Smartseeds in 25 Russian regions. 

Fedor Dereka, Minister of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Krasnodar region:

"Digital solutions have already become an integral part of the agribusiness in the Krasnodar region. We have developed a digital transformation strategy, which is intended to optimize agricultural processes, improve the economic effect and business profitability in the region. Since last year we have been working with Smartseeds, one of our digital technology partners. It helps our agricultural producers to safely and efficiently design logistics processes, reduce costs and, what is important, ensure transparent access to the agricultural transportation market. It is critical for our region, which is one of the key agricultural producers and exporters in the country, and most vital for small businesses as sometimes they are in short supply of necessary transport facilities to deliver products."

Anton Kondratov, Director of Smartseeds:

"Krasnodar region is traditionally one of grain crops leaders in Russia. There are a lot of farms and agricultural businesses and Russia's largest deep-water ports, through which the majority of Russian grain is exported. In general, the region is one of the leaders in digitalization of the Russian economy, including agriculture. I would like to express gratitude to my colleagues from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Krasnodar region for their concerted efforts contributing to further development and prosperity of the agricultural sector of the region. Our product solutions help to streamline efforts of all market participants, make operations transparent and secure. Our platform is preferred by tens of thousands of users."