Taman Grain Terminal Complex set an all-time high in grain transshipment

In May 2024, the export transshipment at Taman Grain Terminal Complex (TGTC) amounted to 635 thousand tons of grain. This is twice as much as in May 2023 with 285 thousand tons of grain shipped from the terminal to foreign markets, and 4.5 times higher than in May 2022 with 140 thousand tons.

In total, TGTC exported over 2.5 million tons of grain during the first five months of 2024. In comparison, 1.9 million tons and 1 million tons of agricultural products were processes during the same periods of 2023 and 2022, respectively.

Transshipment volumes increased as a result of implementation of a manufacturing technology optimization project. Time spendings at all sections of the terminal were analyzed, and appropriate reduction mechanisms were developed.

In particular, an automated electronic verification tool was created to be used for grain identification documents and quarantine certificates. It can check documents at the stage of preparing a waybill without human involvement.

A great contribution to the improvement of transshipment was made by a joint project with Smartseeds electronic queue digital logistics platform, which facilitated straight-line terminal utilization by motor vehicles throughout the day and reduce by 30% the average idle time of grain carriers.

Sergey Gnatko, General Director of TGTC:

"The achieved performance is a predictable result of all changes implemented at the terminal and the concerted efforts of our staff. We have great plans for continuous development of the complex, including the implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects that give us an opportunity to reach a qualitatively new level of transshipment over the next few years."