Mirogroup Resources changes its name to Demetra Trading


Mirogroup Resources LLC changed its name to Demetra Trading LLC

and migrated to the brand of Demetra-Holding, its parent company.

The change of the company's name fits into the process of creating a unified corporate identity of Demetra-Holding and creates a holistic perception of the company as a trading division of the largest Russian grain holding.

Together with the name change, the company upgrades to a new 'umbrella' brand Demetra-Holding, which shows the idea of a multi-profile vertically integrated company developing export infrastructure and grain trading. The brand colour combination conveys the perception of a field of ripe cereals, the colour of the earth is in harmony with a ripe yellow-orange hue.

The new sign combines the outlines of railway and logistics assets, port infrastructure and grain. The brand emphasizes the focus on the future, technological efficiency, presence on a global scale, and the stable figure of the triangle symbolizes reliability and stability.

The new company name is registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the details, including OGRN, INN, business address and registered address of the legal entity, remained the same. The company's website will change its domain to DTRADING.RU within a short time.

Roman Kron, CEO of Demetra Trading, noted: 'We are rebranding at the beginning of the new season, before signing new contracts with our partners. The change of our name will not affect the existing contractual arrangements with our contractors and partners in any way. The obligations of the parties under previously concluded agreements will not change due to the change of the name.'