LP Trans transported 7.4 million tons of cargo in the first half of 2024

LP Trans (a member of Demetra-Holding) transported 7.4 million tons of mineral fertilizers and other industrial cargoes during the period from January to June showing a 13% increase compared to 6.6 million tons transported during the same period of 2023.

Mineral fertilizers and feedstock with 81% or almost 6 million tons comprised the bulk of transportation showing a 5% increase compared to 5.7 million tons carried in the first half of 2023, while direct shipment routes are prevalent.

Transportation of fertilizers in the domestic market increased by 508 thousand tons or 16.6% in the first half of 2024 and reached 3.6 million tons due to transportation of feedstock to fertilizer plants.

Mineral fertilizer exports amounted to 2.4 million tons, which is 8% below the result of the first half of 2023 when 2.6 million tons were exported.  The volumes delivered to the Russian Baltic Sea ports increased significantly compared to deliveries to the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin which decreased.

The average monthly carloads increased from 15 771 to 17 709 YoY showing a 12% increase. 

Roman Vorontsov, General Director of LP Trans:

"Our company is one of the leaders in the transportation of mineral fertilizers and industrial cargoes using hopper cars. We are constantly improving the services provided: our company has been actively implementing the cargo routing procedure for several years to optimize the cost of transportation and reduce delivery time. Our company has a rolling stock retrofitting program in place – we proceed to use technically advanced and cost-efficient cars, including new-generation ones. We will keep our development moving forward in the future."